Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Meeting Tuesday 19th October 2010. Mexborough, South Yorkshire.

Meeting Tuesday 19th October 2010. Mexborough, South Yorkshire.

BNP Doncaster and Rotherham branches.

A well attended meeting for the benefit of Rotherham and Doncaster branches with the usual strong representation from Barnsley branch.

Chaired by John Bettney.

Speakers – Marlene Guest and Simon Goodrich.

Marlene Guest told us about her recent successful resistance to an inappropriate Planning Consent in a small Rotherham village. This Planning application was by a Local business man, we will call him Mr K.

Marlene told us that allegations of bribery by this man were documented in council files.

“ We will go after anyone who destroys our heritage” Marlene asserted.

She gave us information how to obtain Interests, Gifts and Hospitality information from Council Records.

She has also challenged a local councillor about the hospitality he has declared for a local building firm. This Councillor is on the planning committee and she feels that there is a real conflict of interest. Marlene has managed to get a local newspaper interested in aspects of this. She went on to tell us about other conflicts of interest that she is currently working on and told us there is lots of work still to be done.

Simon Goodrich spoke next.

Simon grasped the nettle and endeavoured to explain to us some of what is going on in the party nationally. He explained as far as possible about the Appointments, Transparency and Funding , also the ongoing work of the Transparency Committee.

He spoke at length about the Bring our Boys Home campaign and answered questions and listened to our opinions about the fundraising issues around anyone signing this petition being pursued for funding. Assured us that Mr Griffin was looking at changing the form to alleviate the issue.

Simon explained to us how he sees the new regional approach working .

Simon told us that Mr Griffin has appointed him in a Regional role in the North, with another appointment to be made in the South, with a brief to help fill the gaps between regions and branches and to coordinate activities at election times to use our resources to best effect.

We were told that Andrew Brons has been elected as President of the Nationalist Grouping in the European Parliament. Successfully attracting enough EMPs to this grouping attracts extra European funding.

Questions were taken and answered, the usual raffle was drawn.

Much networking thereafter ensued and a good time was had by all.


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